Sunday, February 12, 2012

Configuring RIP version 1 and version 2

Okay guys . The difference between RIP version 1 and version 2 is that ..version 1 is classful ip addressing ,that means it deals with classes by default .if you put in a class C ip address it will assume that there are three network octats.
where as version 2 is class less ip addressing .here this thing doesnt matter .even can have a subnet of .


According to the recollection of InetDaemon, configuring a Cisco router for a basic RIP configuration would look something like this:
router> enable
  router# conf t
  router(config)#interface ethernet 0
  router(config-if)# ip address
  router(config-if)# interface ethernet 1
  router(config-if)# ip address
  router(config-if)# exit
  router(config)# router rip
  router(config-router)# network
  router(config-router)# network
  router(config-router)# exit
  router(config-router)# ^z
The example above assumes that the interfaces that will be running RIP have internet protocol (ip) on them that fall within the, and class C ranges.



router(config)# router rip
  router(config-router)# network
  router(config-router)# network
  router(config-router)#version 2
  router(config-router)# exit

the only difference when configuring is the command write up for version 2.KEEP IN MIND THE DEFAULT IS VERSION1 ..YOU NEED TO SPECIFY IF USING VERSION 2

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

For the people searching PACKET TRACER

below is the download link for packet tracer 5.3

Download link for recommended simulator:

this software helps you to do almost 99% of the CCNA labs !

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Make it TOUGH.

okay so many of the people face account hack problems ,right? Ive come across some basic keys that help you make your password a strong one !
password protection includes maths guys must have heard about the probability thing ??
This branch of maths is most important in here.First of all you should know how many formats are there when typing .. it has alphabets(uppercase e.g capital letters and lowercase letters e.g small letters),numbers and special characters .

lets say if i put my password as "computer".. that simple it wouldnt be that difficult for any hacker to analyse my password .the process by which they crack hack account is called a BRUTE FORCE ATTACK.
In this attack the software being used by the user tries up different sets of alphabets first then numbers then special characters .if my password is that simple it would take just 30min at max to decrypt my password.

this simple formula explains it all.remember i had used the password "computer".
my password has 8 characters and if any hackers tries to hack it he'll use all the possible combinations for the alphabets first.the max number of occurances would be 1562275 that is such a small target to achieve.

things to remember when setting up a password are

Start your password with upper case.
then shift towards lower case
include special characters
include numbers

example of such a password can be     CasE@911

by keeping these little points in mind you can have a string password!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dont REMARK..just DONT

I see around things what people do and i try to copy a few things like some habits of others that i feel are good.
I had this teacher Sir Umar in my 6th semester,taught me micro processor and controller,A real nice teacher + i admire him too .He's a good guy with expert skills and great other qualities .he's devoted ,he's punctual a million more things he's got embedded in his system .
What i noticed today is something that most of us do,its like speaking of others in front of any other person .I checked this guy out ,he's never talking about any other person in front of anyother guy unless its good or appreciating.This thing i felt is something that should be adopted for a good personality.
The most important thing i noticed that made me write this hell lot of a words is DONT REMARK.
its like when youre asked about something just answer to the point dont represent remark.
Ill give you an example what happened today
*okay so he was trying to give me some idea regarding the project for which he needed to give an example so he(Sir Umar)  said "did you watch movie don2?" and i was like "Its just okay" what he mentioned furthur was he dint ask me how that movie was the question was had i seen the movie as he briefed me something of  regarding the security project.
The point there that moment i bookmarked in my mind was that .,when youre asked about anything just reply it in the words necessary ,dont remark or add anyother thing,this thing is saves your energy,saves time plus this quality helps you be PROFESSIONAL.

First day at PLANWELL.

note*this article contains inappropriate language(for 18+ only)*

This saturday was f@#$ busy.As i got a million rejections on our i had this friggin class at 6.I got home at friggin 5.30 had to change and i aint no superman to leap tall hoes in a single bound,styll managed to get the fuck there.I dont get it why people stare there ass off ,i mean its kinda natural when you go to some place, new people give a fucking alien look at you.well there i managed to grab a seat  near a counter ,meet an uncle he was nice furthur yaba daba yaba daba im in the class wait what ..where's my cap yo ..i ran back to the counter yeah i could finally breathe back(i love my cap).So i made new friends.... yaba daba yaba not being a rac ist or something but this new teacher is something SINDHI type ..and i felt the school shit again ..i dont get one fucking point why do people jump their ass off the friggin seats just to inspire teacher ..imean yo guys chill out,cut this all dog bark thing up..if you know the answer or you so fucking genius then just wait up alryt sooner or later you'll be known among .
so i was in the class that teacher was looking kinda weirdo.He asked everyone the purpose of being there.and me in my mind was like "im here cause i paid the friggin fee" ...i hate the late comers ,,but i hate it until others are late as for me the king yo.There came a late comer he was some working guy at PTCL,i bet he wouldnt know anything (i feel the guy was a FUCKTARD).+some females at the back were like raising stupid questions..ahh the pain guys just feel it you feeling tired at the shit lazy bizarre class when some girl keeps up coming with some real fuk questions as ugly as the fucking ugly duckling! finally after two hours of sheer  torture that teacher left i was HAPPY.when i grabbed all my swag to run ,there came a guy saying that the admin has some fucking thing to announce.I WAITED ...WAITED WAITED WAITED AND WAITED..ZZZZZZ he came so fucking late as he was a fucking president of some fucktards man..finally he spoke and this was all.. "I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED" :@ WTF

Friday, January 13, 2012

Meaning of SMILEYS according to me

what i feel when people use these smileys
:) =alryt shutup and go
:(=dont wana talk,so shut the f''' up
:p=i saw you naked.
:'(=i desperately need to pee but washroom's not vacant
8D=ima blind bastard
:/= no words to describe how bitchy it is
:0=something just popped up my butt-hole
:x=zip it you dog
:s=I cant shit
;)=ayo come in the corner its personal
^_^=bloody chinese prick
:*=chipku(clingy) kiss
T_T=crying a a bizzare bitch
:@=i got worms fucking my tongue

cant remember everything at the moment ill keep updating .

[SSUET]FYP Proposal format for Telecom engineering students.

Guidelines for Final Year Project (FYP) – 2011
1. Introduction

Final Year Project, a chance to enhance the technical capabilities of students by implementing their
theoretical & practical knowledge in the field of Research & Development. It is a 6 credit hour
compulsory part of the BS Telecommunication Engineering Program. It consist of the following
important parts
- Group formation: Students are advised to form a group of 4(strictly) students before start of
any FYP activity.
- Proposal writing: In this part a group will write a project proposal to submit their idea to FYP
committee for final approval. Before submission, it is very important here that all groups will
consult internal supervisors to discuss their project ideas, title & area for finalizing it. Most
importantly, discussions should be focused to find an application and problems/issues which
could be the motivation of the project. Groups can start working on their project after final
- Progress Report: All the groups must remain in contact with supervisor by meeting on weekly
basis. It is also mandatory for all groups to submit their progress report bimonthly duly signed
by supervisor to the FYP committee.
- Mid-Year presentation: A presentation, to portray progress of project, is to be given by all the
groups in the middle of the year in front of FYP committee.
- Report writing: It is compulsory for all the groups to write a detailed report and submit it to FYP.
Formatting of the report should be according to the prescribed format.
- Final Presentation: In this part, all the groups will defend their project in front of a committee
(Consists of FYP member, Internal & experts) & will demonstrate their project.
- Participation in Annual Open House & Job Fair: It is mandatory for all the groups to participate
in Open House & Job Fair held, normally, every year in the month of January.

2. Project Selection

All the students/groups are advised to follow the instructions, given in the following, while finalizing
the project.
- The project idea must address any telecommunication engineering application/Problem
- Physical implementation of project is mandatory
- Project could be software/simulation based but implementation on Hardware like DSP, FPGA is
- Before finalizing any project, It is duty of each group to make sure that all resources would be
easily available for the smooth completion of project
- Common areas of project could be (but not limited to)
o Analog and Digital communications
o Signal Processing
o Optical Communication
o Network Security
o Computer Networking

3. Project Proposal

Students are advised to follow the submission deadline very strictly mentioned on the web site and
notice board. Students have to take following points into consideration while writing proposal.
- Proposal should be brief & precise.
- Keep supervisor name anonymous until project get approved by the FYP committee.
- After approval, group can discuss about supervisor with FYP committee to finalize internal
- Proposal should cover the following heading
o Summary
o Introduction & Motivation
o Problem Statement
o Methodology (possible solution with block diagram)
o Required Hardware/Software resources & its availability
o Time line
o Approximated Cost
o References